At Dion Training, we understand that taking certification exams can be stressful, and sometimes things don't go according to plan. That's why we offer a 100% pass guarantee within 60 days of enrollment, which includes a free retake if you fail your certification exam.

For example, if you enroll in a course on January 1, 2023, your 100% pass guarantee period would be valid until March 2, 2023. To take advantage of our free retake offer, please notify us that you failed the exam by emailing us at Once we receive your score report from Peoplecert, we will review them and process your retake voucher. You can then use the voucher to schedule a new exam.

It is important to note that to take advantage of our free retake offer, you must have completed your course before taking the failed certification exam and within 60 days of enrollment. If you did not complete your course within the specified time frame, the 100% pass guarantee can not be redeemed.

You will have 30 days from the date of your failed exam to reach out to our customer service team and redeem your 60-day guarantee retake voucher.

On the other hand, if you purchased the exam voucher with take2, just notify us via email that you failed, and we'll process your retake voucher provided that your official score is already uploaded by CompTIA.

We recommend that you take the time to review your course materials thoroughly and complete all practice exams before attempting the certification exam. This will give you the best chance of passing the exam on your first attempt and avoiding the need for a retake.